Saturday, January 16, 2010

A big update.

Break is about to come to an end, and I apologize for neglecting the updates.

So hmm, let me think and reflect about break: I believe the first few days of break were the last days of me working at my old job in Chandler at Cobblestone Auto Spa. (I haven't felt the withdrawals of being a broke ass and not having the commitment with a job... yet.) My decision was a well thought one because not only do I want to focus on school more and keep my scholarship, I want to be able to put my 110% into the Schwasted project. Daniel and I want to keep each other motivated and just focus. And so far we are on the road to success.

But anyway, Christmas night, a few friends and I ventured out to Vegas (my home town) to visit my mom and a few old friends. Trust me... there were crazy ass fucking nights and memories I will never forget from the trip back home. We stayed out there until the 29th, and came back just in time for me to get prettied up and play at a weekly called "The Pound" at the Devils Hideaway here in Tempe. It's a great gig to obtain, seeing as you get exposure. Lots of fellow DJs and promoters are patrons and it's always a good time there. The night after was my gig at Cabarave, which took place at the Babydolls Cabaret somewhere near central Phoenix. First time playing at a strip club. So it was interesting to say the least haha. Literally, the morning after, my friend Ryan and I booked it out of town to hit LA, where we fulfilled our plan to attend Together as One (VIP TICKETS baby ;] ) If you're wondering how awesome that event was, you can just look up the line up and vidios on google or somewhere and be jealous that you weren't there. We hit up a few clubs in Hollywood... one being Club Avalon where we saw Bob Sinclair and Joachim Guarrad with a few other buddies.

I think it was the night when we went to that particular club where I studied both amazing DJs where inspiration immediately hit me. That stage. Schwasted. A huge crowd. It's going to happen.

When the next day rolled around I called Daniel Gauss with some ideas for more promo work (i.e: Schwasted stickers, T-shirts, etc.) and went on this entire tangent where I felt I was ready to take on the challenge of learning how to produce music. Literally, we knew the only way we will get up there with the big boys is to make our own tracks... I mean, you can only go so far with just being a "deeejayyyy."

Soooo.. that is where we are at now (both tackling producing), but Daniel showed me a track he's been working on and I have an enormous amount of confidence built up where I know he can get that done and we will have a debut track out in no time. Currently, we are working on relaunching the Schwasted website (new layout and everything).

I am very excited about the website, but last week we got our new business cards out ANDDDDDD SCHWASTED STICKERS! Most definitely a giddy school girl about that one. Tuesday, when school starts, Daniel and I will be invading the ASU Tempe campus with them. On a mission, buddy. Ohhhh yeah.

Oh and on Thursday, we played our gig at the LA Fitness (as mentioned in the previous entries) and now we are asked to play twice a month. It's a big ego boost seeing that everyone enjoys our music and really look forward to our return. Daniel says that in a way, we can build some connects and extend our network in this different environment... seeing that it's located in Scottsdale and all... and that particular location caters to such a broad spectrum of people, WHO KNOWS what the future will bring. A guy wanted to pay for our demo, which I thought was cute and flattering, but you know - Schwasted isn't there yet. ;]

Hmmm and the radio show has been alright. We need to work more on getting more listeners but for sure it's something we've got to bring solidarity to our striving name and it most definitely is THE "THING" OF MY THURSDAYS♥.

Well, that's all I have to say for nowwwww... so until I feel inclined to write, this is good night =]